7777 Glades Road, Suite 313
Boca Raton, FL 33434
Office: 561.417-6602 Fax: 561.417-6604
Email: Mabresolve@aol.com


About Mark A. Buckstein

Mark A. Buckstein has been a nationally renowned mediator and arbitrator for the last 20 years. He has mediated over 3,000 cases since relocating from New York to Florida in 1996. The mix of cases includes securities, real estate, and all types of contract and commercial disputes including intellectual property, professional malpractice, employment and labor, insurance and disputes involving business valuations, acquisitions and split-up. Cases ranged in magnitude from thousands to hundreds of millions of dollars and include class actions and collective actions as well as joint resolution of related disputes. His accomplishments and settlements are well known to many federal and state court judges in South Florida.

While most of Dispute Resolution’s activities are conducted in Florida he has conducted mediations throughout the country. Travel rates are available upon request. (See Services / Fees)

Mark is an extremely aggressive, evaluative mediator who is totally committed to using all reasonable and ethical efforts to resolve disputes including continuing involvement (where permitted by the parties) after a mediation has been impassed or adjourned. Where appropriate, he will meet with the parties and/or their counsel prior to the date of the mediation either to get acquainted or to discuss the merits of the dispute.

Since 1992 when Mark was President-Designate of the American Arbitration Association, he has been a frequent lecturer on mediation techniques for industry and bar groups. For further information about his education, professional background and teaching experience please see the Background section of our website. Also, attached is a statement of mediation fees and policies which will answer many questions you may have relating to his conduct of mediations.

Please feel free to call or contact Mark Buckstein and/or his office manager for further information or to obtain and reserve available dates.